
Music Productions


Vocal Recording


Custom Original Songwriting


Music Arrangement


Mixing and Mastering


Film and Advertising Music Production


Music Online Release

聲動未來(Future Vibes)音樂教育工作室提供全面的音樂課程,涵蓋現代音樂的演奏與演唱技巧、創作與編曲、樂團與表演指導,以及錄音與製作等多個領域。我們的課程適合不同程度的學習者,無論是青少年兒童、零基礎的愛好者或專業學生,都由經驗豐富的導師授課,幫助學生在音樂世界中找到屬於自己的聲音。                                                                                        



1. 現代鋼琴演奏與即興伴奏
2. 鋼琴彈唱
3. 流行與爵士演唱
4. 現代吉他伴奏與即興
5. 貝斯吉他速通
6. 樂團排練與演出指導
8. 現代音樂編曲
9. 錄音與混音基礎
10. AI音樂創作



我們的課程著重實作與創意,旨在培養學生的音樂技能與表現力,目前根據學生的不同條件,分為線上與線下兩種:線上課程提供靈活的學習方式,讓你隨時隨地掌握音樂技能;離線課程則為你提供面對面的互動教學,體驗更直接和個人化的學習過程。無論你選擇哪種方式,Future Vibes 都將為你提供高品質的音樂教育,幫助你在音樂的道路上不斷前進。


**Future Vibes Music Education Studio offers comprehensive music courses covering various aspects of modern music, including performance and vocal techniques, composition and arrangement, band rehearsal and performance, and recording and production. Our courses cater to learners of all levels, from children and beginners to advanced students, all taught by experienced instructors to help students find their unique voice in the world of music.


**Current course offerings include:**


1. Modern Piano Performance and Improvisation
2. Piano Playing and Singing
3. Pop and Jazz Vocal Coaching
4. Modern Guitar Accompaniment and Improvisation
5. Bass Guitar Fundamentals
6. Band Rehearsal and Performance Guidance
7. Modern Music Arrangement
8. Basic Recording and Mixing
9. AI Music Creation


**Our courses emphasize hands-on practice and creativity, aiming to develop students' musical skills and expressiveness. Currently, we offer both online and offline formats to accommodate different needs: Online courses provide flexible learning options, allowing you to master musical skills anytime, anywhere; Offline courses offer face-to-face interactive teaching for a more direct and personalized learning experience. Regardless of the format you choose, Future Vibes is committed to delivering high-quality music education to help you advance in your musical journey.**